- 特選編號:S027651BOEO(每支球拍烙印碼)
- 本園地所推薦之球板均為徐老師親自精選,木紋最佳整隻拍面彈性均勻品質保證。
- 握柄 Style:FL 弧形柄
- 板面Surface:157*150mm
- 板厚Thickness:5.5mm
- 握柄Grip:100×24×34mm
- 重量Weight:90.5g
Proceed advantage of the rally in a batted ball that was taking advantage of the amount of rotation
Thinning the blade than the "inner Force layer ALC", that is newly designed for use wood and plywood construction, has been improved over-friendliness and the stability of the rotation. Armed with the amount of rotation is often front-end counter drive, it is recommended for players who want to advantage to promote the rally.
【Product Actual Pictutre 實際產品照片】
Butterfly BRYCE HIGHSPEED+ BUTTERFLY-BRYCE_FX最佳高速組合,適合追求高速兩邊弧圈球選手使用。
Butterfly-Sriver+ BTY-TACKINESS_D最佳穩定組合,速度佳、旋轉度夠都能有很好的表現,適合追求快速又穩定兩邊弧圈球選手使用。
JOOLA-X-plode+JOOLA-energy X-Tra 最佳基本組合,速度、旋轉度兼顧都能有很好的表現,適合追求穩定兩邊弧圈球選手使用。
紅雙喜 狂飆-8 + 紅雙喜 狂飆-3平面套膠 #20號海綿最佳穩定省錢組合,速度、旋轉度兼顧,適合近台左推右攻選手進階前之省錢搭配使用,等進步後膠皮升級空間也很大。