-Latika 7夾
7PLY woods
Hand-made exquisitely made in Japan, based on the LATIKA-5 clip-on racquet and improved. Although it uses a thin-jacket 7-layer application, it does not make the playing ball weak, and allows it to return the ball and the rotation of the attack. With speed enhancement and increased stability, it is a racket designed for the purpose of [A rotating attack practical production], which is very suitable for intermediate and advanced high CP value rackets.
- Layer:7
- Thickness:5.8mm
- Speed:Mid
- Feeling:Soft
- 257X150mm
- ST Grip:100mmX厚23mm
- FL Grip:100mmX厚24mm
- Weight :88g-/+
- MADE IN Japan
Nittaku-Fastarc P-1+Nittaku-Fastarc G-1最佳高速組合,適合追求高速弧圈球選手使用。
JOOLA-energy+ JOOLA-Zack 最佳經典高速穩定組合,速度、旋轉度兼顧都能有很好的表現,適合追求高速穩定弧圈球選手使用。
紅雙喜 狂飆-3平面套膠 #20號海綿-SOFT+ LKT Rapid-SPEED 魔速 最佳穩定省錢組合,速度、旋轉度兼顧,適合追求弧圈球選手進階前之省錢搭配組合。