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Weight 重量:73 +/- 5g

US$135.00 US$74.25

The New Weapon of Table Tennis

The Chang Min Table Tennis Bat is the latest  shakehand blades arsenal, It will to replace the shakehand grips of today.

Everyone knows to development new Shakehand blade technology. However many difficulties existed in executing the technology, especially grip strength to master, how easy it is to fight against the racket face rotation torque, for this type of paddle has now met with success and the [Chang Min] Table Tennis Bat has been born.

  • Surface 板面:149*150mm
  • Thickness 厚度:7.0mm
  • Grip 握柄l:100*25mm
  • Total Length 總長度:161mm
  • Weight 重量:73 +/- 5g


  • 初學者或原橫拍FL(弧型柄)使用者非常容易上手,手握時正、反手拍使力非常紮實舒適,很容易與使用者手&拍合一,操控之手感非常容易掌握,可輕鬆揮擊出您要的擊球感。
  • 此隻板材結構可製造非常強烈之第二速旋轉意即落桌後會急速下墜或轉彎,讓膠皮發揮最高的咬合效能,穩定度高更是一般板材結構無法與之相比較。
  • 適用磨擦大於撞擊之特殊結構,意即抽拉球之打法能有非常旋轉前衝弧圈球之效果,喜歡爆衝打法者可搭配高硬度之膠皮,講究穩定旋轉弧圈球者可搭配中軟之膠皮,因此使用者可以隨著自己打法來搭配膠皮,讓您不會再因找到不適合的球拍而傷腦筋。 



Main functions include:

CHANG Min Easy Grip Table Tennis Bat」Product Feature


The handle design enables the skill of grip fully to grasp to strike the angle of racket surface, various serve can strike the spheroid accurately, lets the direction and the strength and point of descent revolving can grasp the display to have one's wish freely


  1. Meticulous detail in the production process makes for an ergonomic and comfortable grip.The player can deal with all types of balls by easily striking back at the proper angle to double the pressure on the opponent.
  2. Double-sided rubber coatings allow backhand strokes using either side so that the opponent has difficulty adapting.Employing this design lends the upper hand when on the offensive.


  1. The grip at an bearing surface in conformity with the inventor's sophisticated design,where the stroke is executed by extending the forearm.Whether hitting a forehand or backhand up the middle,there is no need to consciously adjust the angle of the wrist.Just use the center of the blade to strike the ball.
  2. The back hand grip creates greater stability for a more powerful smash, the design of the bat is ergonomic.When executing an offensive backhand any stance will readily yield potent results.


  1. When the bearing surface of handle lets the defense the grip is stable and powerful,
  2. High-quality grip design for backhand defensive strokes help turn the tide to the offense. Combined with the straight textile fiber BALSA, going from the defensive to the offensive is achieved by rendering the opponent unable to adapt.

【Chang Min - comparison of Easy Grip

抗扭力 Resistance to torsion:Chang Min 4 > Chang Min 3 >Chang Min 2 >Chang Min 1

舒適度 Comfortable:Chang Min 1 > Chang Min 2 >Chang Min 3 >Chang Min 4

穩定度 Stability:Chang Min 4 > Chang Min 3 >Chang Min 2 >Chang Min 1

操控性 Control:Chang Min 3 > Chang Min 4 >Chang Min 2 >Chang Min 1


 Each racket attaches racket case one + to rub the sandpaper one piece


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